If you're unaware, Apalachicola is a tiny town on Florida's panhandle that is famous for its oysters. In fact, I was listening to a documentary about local history while uploading some of these pics to Flickr and I learned that 90 percent of Florida's oysters and 10 percent of all U.S. oysters are harvested in Apalachicola.
That's me, faithfully reenacting programs I see on public television. You're welcome.
This town is also chock full of other delectable creatures, such as those massive shrimp that had startled me, above.
Quincy found us a rad little spot to stay using Airbnb. We've been crashing in a mother in law house in a historic part of the town. These are our neighbors:

très chick
While I hate to complain about cold weather while my compatriots are battling -15 degree wind chills back in Greater Cincinnati, I have to note: it's effing cold here!
Highs in the 40s and 50s may not sound bad, but that wind is FIERCE. I'm in Florida! No one told me to bring a coat to Florida!

beast coast
We wandered around Apalachicola's waterfront, above, and froze our proverbial nuts off. It was a lovely day, despite the gales, so we soldiered on to St. George Island State Park.
I donned all the clothes I could find in my car, and then Quincy insisted we take fashion blog shots.

très chill

The park on St. George was nearly empty but we were assured that it's crazy busy most of the year. I can't wait to come back and, you know, swim or fish or something. The friendly ranger who told us all about the island was named Hatch, and that is pretty much the greatest name for a ranger in history. Hatch Wefing. That's a name!
Tomorrow, we head to New Orleans. We ate a huge amount of fantastic food here but I know that it's really all been building up to Louisiana.... Mm.
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