Well, Callie's working. I'm being a ham in the stacks.
I have been thumbing through Collective Fashion Wisdom by Joyce Elkus and Nancy Brinker, though. That counts as research, right?

It's kind of a book of fashion basics ("Can I wear white to a wedding?"-type stuff) and so I like to imagine I'm too much of a stylistic expert to utilize it's advice.
But. There are some pretty interesting quotes.

"Although I have learned to take it as a compliment, it confuses me when people look at me and say, 'I could never wear that.' I'm not sure why they picture themselves in my clothes."
-- Liz Ricketts, Collective Fashion Wisdom
People tell me the same thing all the time, and it bums me out not because I expect everyone to be into the crazy crap I like to wear but because there's this sense of forbidden longing attached to it. I want to lean over and whisper, "The secret is that you can literally wear anything you want."
If something makes you feel awesome, go for it. People react not so much to the clothes you're wearing but the way to project yourself in the clothes you're wearing.

Callie is giving me a That's Bullshit Face from across the café. She's all, "There are clothes that don't physically fit me and therefore, I can't wear them."
Okay, touché. But that means that she's shopping at the wrong stores. She is annoyed. "Okay, fine. Take me shopping."
Okay, fine! Best friend shopping outing to commence shortly!

Stay tuned.
vintage '60s flower print purple jacket - Atomic Number 10
yellow print shift dress - Emmalee via Francesca's Collections
boots - Frye
"If something makes you feel awesome, go for it. People react not so much to the clothes you're wearing but the way to project yourself in the clothes you're wearing."
And that, Becky, is why you rock.
Hahah! Thank you, sir!
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