I keep trolling TJ Maxxes to find clearance Free People attire. For the longest time, I couldn't figure it out. I mean, I adore the brand and their designs but I was more into scouring discount stores than actually ordering the goods straight from the clearance bin at freepeople.com. Then it occurred to me: I have a gambling addiction. I get a kick out of the high I find when I discover an elegantly detailed tank top in a pile of department store knock-offs.
This purple dress is my most recent jackpot.
Unique earrings, no? The lady who sold them to me at Mahatma in Cincinnati took the trouble to write down where they're from but I can't remember. I think they're vintage from Mali?

purple dress - Free People
red slip - thrift
Someone bought red lipstick! I'm new to this whole tint on my lip deal but I really dig the way it changes my look. This is its inaugural night, out with my boyfriend's sister Rachael and her friends.
I LOVE your lace-y dress and all the layers! So sexy!
Thank you thank you!
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