My first day as a Interactive Communication Coordinator. Pretty perfect job for an avid blogger, no?

This little sign was given to me by my old coworkers. Adorable.
sweater - I couldn't say.
dress - Simply Vera by Vera Wang
bracelet - thrift/vintage
brooch - 'Twas a gift.
shoes - Hm. I can't remember

Day Two's outfit garnered a compliment from my new boss. Score!

top - I got it at a clothes swap party. It used to be Theresa's.
belt - Forever 21
pants - Kohl's
shoes - My momma gave em to me.

I found these pants at what I fondly refer to as God's Favorite TJ Maxx. It's in Upper Arlington here in C-Bus and is the mightiest, most awesome TJ Maxx I've ever encountered.

top - Dana Buchanan at Kohl's
pants - French Connection
shoes - Hm. I got them at Penney's several years ago...
There is no picture here because I had had a little freakout Saturday night due to the stress of my new employment. I wasn't unhappy nor did I feel any regret about the change and must say that frankly, everyone at the new job has been incredibly awesome. But for whatever reason, the radical lifestyle renewal made me feel like curling up in bed and crying like a little kid. So I did. And when I woke up Sunday, I felt wonderful.

Grego and I were invited to partake of a bluegrass performance at Espresso Yourself Cafe in Powell. A new coworker and his lady friend met us there and it was absolutely blissful.

The weather, the music, the company... Everything about Sunday made me happy. Greg and I chased each other around Powell like little kids.

sweater - Free People... It's my old stand-by when I want comfort.
dress - thrift
boots - thrift
boot scarf - thrift
You are adorable. Glad the new job is going pretty well! I have similar breakdowns each time I start something new...gets all the bad juju out of your system.
Love the day 2 ensemble. Contemporary yet endearingly Victorian...that F21 belt cinches it. :)
Clare - Thanks for saying that... I felt crazy at the time but life is so so good right now.
Frederik - Thanks! I had the whole outfit on and couldn't figure out what was missing until I added the belt.
Love these outfits, love this blog (just discovered it)! Can't wait for more new outfits. You have already given me the inspiration to create new outfits =)
Karin - HURRAY!
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