A philosophical question. This is what I wore for a two mile hike at Cumberland Falls on 9/13:

It's a dress by Free People over a top by Free People with a pair of suede flats. My forest escort, Grego, told me that I was crazy to don such finery in the woods. I say never to listen to the advice of someone wearing Teva sandals.

If you think this looks suspiciously like something I wore last week, shut up. I've been housesitting for my parents and was running dangerously low on clothes. In other news, that's another one of my thrift store bodysuits. This was its maiden voyage.
Braiders of the Lost Ark ...

I did some more braid experiments. Was this look fun to make? Yes? Does it look interesting? Indeed. Is it flattering? Not in the least. Oh well ...

This cream-colored top is another thrift find on it's first day with me. I'm pretty sure it's handmade which is just lovely. I was feeling so happy until I dipped the sleeve in spaghetti sauce at lunch.
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