Thursday, January 23, 2014

Travels with Quincy: Well, Albuquerque

From Roswell, we headed to Albuquerque, where we spent a delightful couple of days at an Airbnb spot.

Sandia Mountain Sunset

Above, is our beautiful view from the front of the house.

And below, the view inside...

a pup, a plate and a potion

Our host, Allegra, had an adorable pup named Foxy, and she made us blackberry pancakes, AND she concocted homemade kefir and shared it with us!


high five

Wednesday, we stopped by the Petroglyph National Monument.

Guess this guy's gender.

These artistic carvings were made by native people and Spanish settlers 700 to 400 years ago.

And they rock.

We're trying to impersonate the birds on that there rock.

We then left the park and headed directly to Denver!

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