Today, I completed an application to be a Fox Sports Ohio Girl.

You may be asking, Since when do you care about Fox, sports or Ohio?
Fair question.
Alright, so I didn't even know that there were Fox Sports Ohio Girls until a week ago, when my MVP of a BIL sent me the link to apply to be one.
From what my dad told me, you don't even need to know about sports to be a Fox Sports Ohio Girl. Apparently, he ran into these ladies on Fountain Square a while back.
"Becky," he said, disappointment wracking his face, "They didn't even know about the infield fly rule."
So, I went to make a little profile. They need two photos and a one-minute video to assess your worthiness. I thought it was weird that they stipulated that no bathing suits, lingerie or nudity was allowed.
It's a beauty pageant without a swimsuit competition or a talent contest?

So, I decided to make a funny video around the theme of being "almost sexy."
I went to the thrift store (fortuitously on Dollar T-shirt Day!) and stocked up on Ohio sports shirts. Then, shed each one throughout my audition:
I was greatly heartened when it totally cracked my mom up.
I submitted my application about an hour ago and was totally disappointed to learn that it must be approved before it's visible. Sigh.
I'll let you know if/when it goes live... I'm kind of nervous that the arbiters of taste at Fox won't find my submission worthy.
Hilarious video. The "onion" striptease is a new classic.
Hahahah! Hurray!
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