Friday's adventure was the Bunbury Music Festival.

This is me and LeeAnna Shepherd. I understand that Tegan and Sara are also somewhere in there..
The main reason I'm undertaking all of these insane adventures in the preamble to my middle age is that it's an excuse to tackle items on my wishlist. And when the Bunbury Music Festival was founded last year, I really wished to go.
So, through the generosity of my Aunt Sue, I was able to attend shenanigans including Tegan and Sara, Walk the Moon and Those Darlins on the opening night of this, the second year of the festival.
I guess another, slightly less exciting aspect of the 30 in 30 by 30 is discovering who I am at this point in my life.
And guess what? Who I am is apparently, a grouchy old woman.
Because I love music, I was pretty disappointed at the listening experience. Because I love fashion, I was heartbroken by the droves of adorable ladies who all decided to wear the same damn Coachella uniform. Because I love my awesome friends, I was frustrated by how annoying it was to coordinate hangouts.
Basically, I'm a misanthrope who hates fun. Also, Fun.
Not to say that I didn't have a ridiculous amount of good times, because I totally did. But it was mostly because I spent an evening with the lovely LeeAnna, pictured above. She is so smart and funny and absurd. And she can do the Running Man like nobody's business.
I knew that the 30 in 30 by 30 would learn me a thing or two. Last night, I learned that good friends are damn near invaluable, especially as you get older.
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