Quincy took all of today's photos.

Okay, not all of them. Ol' Gorilla Arms took the one above.
Yep, that would be me.

My handsome escort whisked me away for an impromptu road trip to New Richmond Sunday. We played for a little bit in Mr. Grim's Nostalgic Nook. (Cue my whining, "...But I don't want to look at Mr. Grim's nook!" Har har.) Mr. Grim's is fantastically amazing, stacked from ceiling to floor with all of the toys and collectables anyone could ever dream. Also, there was a rack of clothing and accessories. Guess what grabbed my interest most...
vintage '60s pink laced day dress - NVISION
black acid-washed '80s denim jacket - Richwood Flea Market
orange/tan cowboy boots - thrift
'60s blue and red print scarf on boot - thrift
vintage '60s pink flower print hair barrette - NVISION
vintage '60s green and red beaded 'Indian' bracelet - yard sale
The vintage boots are a great
Frump. I scored a pair of zodiac red leather vintage boots at a church rummage sale a few weeks ago. The boots along with a bag stuffed with an additional 20 or so pieces of cool garmets cost me a whopping $5....
Holy moly! Church yard sales are the best! I still fondly recall rummage sales of yore that were filled with great scores...
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