I had a second job interview with a Columbus non-profit... Red shoes = reliability! Hire me!

What would I say is my best quality? Why, my red shoes, of course.

I ended up wearing the belt under the jacket because I wanted a little room in case the interview got sweaty.

jacket - vintage
dress - I can't remember the brand. It's from TJ Maxx, of course.
belt - thrift/vintage
shoes - Gomax Shoetopia in Northside, Cincinnati
ring - It was a gift from my boyfriend's momma.

This was my play-around outfit. Legwarmer obsession: engaged!
jacket - thrift
dress - Free People
leg warmers - thrift
shoes - Old Navy

My sister and I went to the Salt Festival at Big Bone Lick State Park on Saturday. There are so many jokes that I could use to follow that sentence ... I'll just leave that to your imagination.
Matching sweaters. Indeed.
sweaters - Free People
my skirt - thrift
tights - Vera Wang from Kohl's
boots - They're from some second-hand shop in Mt. Vernon, Ohio.

So, while at the Salt Fest, I bought a union suit. I was originally going to cut it off into a long sweater but now, I'm not so sure. What if I need long undies replete with butt flap? What if?


My boyfriend and I followed a Salt Fest with a Pumpkin Fest and I decided to dress accordingly... In layers.

dress - NVision in Northside, Cincinnati
jacket - Forever 21
glove thingies - AE
leg warmers - thrift
shoes - I got them at JC Penney's. I can't remember the brand.
LOVING those gorgeous red shoes. Aand your kitty is adorable :)
lucky you! i haven't done any fun fall stuff yet! cute cat :D love all of this, especially the red shoes (how'd it go!?!) and the blues at the end. cozy.
this is my new favorite blog title. i may just rename mine, in fact.
I'll be giggling over Big Bone Lick all day. Because apparently I have the sense of humor of a 13-year-old boy.
Outfits rock as per usual.
I've never wanted a union suit, but suddenly, I do.
Midwest Darling
Mary - Thanks! I need to wear those shoes more often... and photograph my cats less!
Ms. Thrifty - The weather has been so unpredictable that it's been kind of hard to go on many outdoor adventures... But I love them! Thanks for you kind comment... The interview went really well!
Huzzah! - hahah! Thank you!
Kim - No, it's because it is the best name ever. It's just up the road from the Big Bone Lick Baptist Church and its sister congregation, the Beaver Lick Baptist Church. I am absolutely serious.
Paige - Hah! I actually got a message from some creek on flickr who seemed to be way, way too into union suits...
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