Cold weather requires cozy sweaters and leg warmers! Ahhhh...

sweater - Free People
black dress - Forever 21 but I got it at the thrift store
leg warmers - Rabbit Hash General Store
shoes - Hm. I can't remember.

I went to a memorial service for my boyfriend's grandma on Saturday. I feel so so lucky to have met his Nana and I feel doubly luck to spend the weekend with all of the people that she loved most.

dress - Glam
black shirt - I couldn't say.
scarf - thrift
shoes - Target
I'm sorry to hear about your bf's gma.... that's so sad!
On another note, I think your funeral outfit is adorable! I love it!
I adore both outfits, so sorry to hear about your lose.
I am SO loving the legwarmers! So sorry to hear about your loss...I guess it's the season for it or something. My thoughts are with you and your boyfriend.
I love the legwarmers look!
And I tried on that Glam dress at Pangaea. It looked terrible on me. It looks great on you!
That free people sweater is gorgeous, the legwarmers too, and your second outfit look so classy and elegant, love it =)
Those leg warmers are so beautiful! They look super comfy and cozy!
I'm so sorry for you and your boyfriends loss.
I am loving your legwarmers - I didn't honestly think anyone could pull them off but you do.
i also agree about that outfit. it is so beautiful! tell greg i'm sorry for his loss.. but i'm glad you all had a nice weekend together.
I just discovered your blog today and am totally thrilled - I love that you love thrifted/possibly vintage clothes. I live in Columbus too and I bet we wear the same size, so if you ever wanted to set up a clothing swap, I would be there in a flash.
:) Suz
I feel bad admiring so much the dress you wore to the funeral because of the occasion, but it really looks amazing on you. I'm sorry for his and your loss - I lost my grandmother this year too and it was really hard for all of us who love her.
Aw, I'm sorry for your loss.
The glam dress is great looking on you though!
Thank you all so much for your kind comments, fashion-related and otherwise. Not to wax maudlin but I truly appreciate all othe thoughtful responses. You are awesome.
As Kasmira mentioned, the Glam dress was at Pangaea for some time and though I really liked it, it was way too pricy for me. I waited and waited and it finally went on sale for a ridiculously paltry amount. Even the lady who rung up my sale couldn't belive the discount. Score for me!
After a long struggle with them, I have embraced the leg warmers. I should make a posting of the leg warmer looks I wore last winter...
Fabulocity - I appreciate that so. Its a little sick but dressing well makes me feel better in sad situations...
Rosie - Thank you, dear.
Clare - At the risk of sounding morbid, I think you're right... I have lost a grandma and grandpa in the last few months.
Kasmira - It really suprises me that that the dress didn't look good on you... You're a lithe little thing. Also, do we need to go on a shopping adventure together? Also also, why have I never heard of the Tristate Antique Market?!
dae0n - Free People makes the cosiest sweaters... It's insane.
Leproust - Leg warmers! They rule!
Magatha - Maybe I just have the leg warmer attitude? Okay, I don't really know what that means. I do know that I love how leg warmers feel...
Mel - It really was a lovely weekend. Grego's family is so amazing and listening to their memories of their grandma totally touched my heart.
Suz - Welcome! YES. Let's swap clothes! I'll be cleaning out my closets again soon and I'll keep you posted. Do you know an easy way of recruiting more ladies? Maybe we could hang at sign at Rag-O-Rama...
Kim - I'm sorry that you've had a loss as well. Your compliment cheers me, though!
Paige - Many thanks! Have you been to Pangaea yet?
you look very cozy on 10/2. your outfit is quite stunning on 10/3. sorry it had to be worn on a sad occassion.
I love this
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