I was quite terrible but my buddies commended me for at least being the best-dressed on the green. I know I should boycott this silly sport because of its horrendous environmental impact but I actually had fun. I might never play again but I may just wear this outfit again ...
The shoes and hat were from a thift store. The shoes were real old-school golf shoes with the cleats and everything and they cost me $1.50. The socks and shorts were from TJ Maxx. The little breeches were made by Billabong, actually, and were on clearance for $7. The top is one that I just had lying around. I'm sure I got it at a thrift store somewhere. The sweater is the one part of this that I bought full-price. It was just freaking perfect even though it was $25 at Old Navy. I bought those sunglasses at the world's oldest gas station, coming home from New Orleans last spring.

I hate these tights. I know they match and all but they are of the plastic-y feeling squashy breed and they are no fun to wear. The dress makes up for that, though, with its superhuman softness. I sometimes sleep in it.
The shoes are by Zodiac, I got the legwarmers at Target, and I can't remember from which circle of Hell I picked up these cursed tights. The dress was from JC Penny, I think. My mom gave it to me. The cropped sweater is from TJ Maxx and the necklace is from this antique shop in Burlington. I can't remember it's name exactlybut it's something like Vintage Books and Things.
looking at this blog reminds me of how no one appreciates your outfits like i. and no one ridicules my outfits like you.
i don't even know why but i like that golf outfit...
I come from a family of golfers (I suck though) and that golf outfit might just be the most amazing thing I've ever seen both on and off a golf course.
Hahah, thank you! I was really excited to put it together ... I spent more time on my look than my swing!
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