Too bad!
Some months back, I was approached by Emma Eisenberg, a freelance writer, as she compiled a piece on a topic close to my heart: Frumpiness. Inspired by her inquisition into my specific sartorial style, (and frankly, kinda tired of crafting clothes that compliment my rotund tummy), I'm taking a mental vacation from maternity.
Here are some highlights of frumpy duds from the last year or so.
(And, fine. I promise I'll post about my impending parenthood presently.)

May 27, 2016
I wish I could remember from whence this fantastic dress came. I think it's from Stitches and Rust, the most excellent purveyors of vintage wonder in South Florida.
Anyway, this frock is now one of my favorite dresses (still fitting comfortably at nearly 25 weeks preggo), and this pic was snapped in Over-the-Rhine by one of my favorite humans, Josh Flowers.
Quincy: If all the world was drawn by six-year-olds, you would disappear.

June 3, 2016
Young gentleman at Goodwill: Is this... for you?
Me: Yep. Why, I don't look like the kind of gal who dons sequined carousel horses?
Young gentleman: Uh, no. Please don't.

July 17, 2016
What to do when you're headed out to see Duran Duran in mere hours? Why, stop by the nearest Goodwill and treat yourself to some beaded shoulder pads.

Aug. 15, 2016
TFW your in-laws know you so well they gift you a frilly shower cap for your birthday and you're so filled with joy, you squeeze a cat. #blessed

Aug. 27, 2016
If you find yourself near the Rural King in Lake Wales, Florida, I highly suggest scoping out its fine fashion offerings. You may just come away with a number like this from Wilderness Dreams.
Pink toy cap gun and holster sold separately, of course.
Honestly, I was just so in love with the idea that this bikini exists that I felt compelled to tell everyone I know. It's... magical.

Jan. 15, 2017
My mom hates this romper.
She and my sister and I were scouring the stacks of unfathomable treasures at the Gap Clearance Center when Laurie scored this sweet wrap romper by Diane Von Furstenberg. Fortunately for me, it proved too scanty for her bosom, so I snagged it.
Anemic chest for the win!

Jan. 17, 2017
These boots were made for walking. Actually, they're made to protect my tootsies from possible mangling, as they have incredibly heavy steel toes. After a small fire at our recycling facility, I was called on to take some pics and send some tweets, but only if I donned my safety gear first.
Thanks to my boss for snapping this, even if he only did so to mock me.
Oh, I have missed the Frump!
Aw, that makes my heart happy. 😊
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