Day 26: Visit Dale Hollow Lake
Day 27: Ouzo shots
Day 28: Drive a boat
Day 29: Drink Ski
Over the weekend, I enjoyed some pretty fantastic times with a boatload of pretty alright people.

deck of cards
Fine. I love these goofballs. Most of them, anyway.
Since this was my very first trip to Dale Hollow Lake, dipping a toe in this pristine body of water was Friday's adventure.

making a splash
Saturday, I cracked open a bottle of ouzo, a licorice liqueur that I've wanted to try ever since I wandered into a Greek fair after they'd already packed up the booze.

Seriously, could Abby Lay be any more adorable?
This is my ouzo face:

shot in dark
...It's much better than oyster shot face.
Ouzo is actually quite delicious and I sipped it most of the weekend.
...But I did not imbibe before Sunday's adventure, captaining a boat.

highway to helm
If you've ever ridden in a car with me, you know that I'm not perhaps the most cautious of drivers. I know this about myself and I've made peace with it.
But my roadway recklessness has kept me fully afraid of taking the wheel of many a vehicle. I don't mind smashing my Sentra into small obstacles but I could never forgive myself for fouling someone's seafaring craft.
I drove my beautiful friend Stacy's Bayliner speedboat for exactly 8 seconds. And then, I surrendered the steering to someone with a safer driving record.
I don't think I did any lasting damage.
Monday, I drank Ski for the first time.

friends of cola

Ski is a Tennessee lemon-lime cola and it is delicious. Way better than the other green soft drink usual suspects.
I mean, just ask the Kentucky Headhunters.
This was a weekend of pure, unadulterated hedonism. A perfect way to prepare for my birthday today, I must say!
You know, I have the (ahem, psychic) feeling that although you set out to do 30 adventures in 30 days, you still have a whole heck of a lot of adventuring yet to do. (Actually, adventure just ouzos out of your pores, eh?) And I, for one (of many, I'm sure), look forward to you sharing them with your customary zest, puns, and hedonism.
So here's to you on your birthday, you challenger of the absurd you, with best wishes for your happiness.
You, sir, are a complimentary poet of the highest order and I'm flattered beyond expression.
I've really loved sharing all of these adventures and I'm thinking of incorporating future undertakings into the blog more regularly. Yeah, I love fashion, but it's more fun to talk about your duds when you're wearing them someplace interesting.
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