Wednesday, I spent time at my awesome best friend Callie's family cabin. Her dad, Donnie Clare, has what is probably the most opulent Man Cave in history. He gets a shack - and surrounding environs - all to himself.

Yes, that is a keyboard welcome mat.

"It's like being inside of Dad's brain." -Callie

Log crotches. That little stump is very happy to see you.

A napping hammock for a happening man.

I can only even describe about half of this stuff.

Donnie's got junk for weeks. For weeks.

Donnie calls this the Enchanted Forest.

I guess it's where the magic happens.

I think I'm getting lost in the enchantment...

That's Callie's college dorm phone. On a tree.

Thanks for letting me invade your space, Donnie!
quilted poncho - vintage from the Carroll County Flea Market
striped top - Chaps from Kohl's
leather pencil skirt - vintage, thrift
black tights - Maggie's Organics
red cowgirl boots - a boot outlet outside of Gatlinburg, TN
Love the photos, now where is a picture of our dear Callie?!? :)
Right?! That camera-shy goofball wouldn't get anywhere near my lens!
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