I found this amazeballs jacket at Pixel 19, a little place I learned about through this fantastic Soapbox Cincinnati article.

The owner, Mr. Stu Ninzy, is the coolest dude on the planet. My best friend and I both fell in love with him.

See, this shop is in Stu's home and to check it out, you have to call him and make an appointment.

And when we did, we were welcomed like old friends and introduced to a humongous amount of awesome stuff.

Really, what more could you ask?

Well, I mean, we almost asked him to marry us. But maybe that should wait until the second visit...

poncho (last pic and below) - Francesca's Collections
horse print jacket - Pixel 19
dress - Old Navy via the Gap Outlet in Hebron
flats - So, I think
ring - I bought it at the world's biggest gun show with my He-Man of a man.
In other news...


Her name is Coco Chanel and she only has one leg.
Here's the story: My man is a falconer and often meets up with his hawking mentor, Paul. Paul keeps quail for hawk training purposes (read: reasons that are unpleasant for the quail). I went with Brandon to meet Paul and saw his small box of quail. When one little bird flopped around with only one foot, it broke my heart. I asked Brandon if we could adopt her. He agreed, asking Paul to donate the handicapped fowl and then building a beautiful quail hutch from scratch. I love this man. Anyway, as we went to fetch Coco, my man suggested she might get lonely and asked Paul for another bird to keep her company. So now we have Gertrude Stein the Quail, as well!

Wow, what a cute chick!
And the bird's adorable too!
Is it possible that I'm becoming a compulsive commenter here at the Frump? Maybe. I sure have a quail of a tale to tell. But in my defense, you have a knack for bringing the awesome that demands some sort of recognition. That shirt is the Western version of a Hawaiian shirt...bold, colourful, and with a story to tell. I love it. And the poncho. And the ring. And those really cute quails.
Anyway, I probably should declare a moratorium on excessive commenting. But it's cool you could find a special place like Pixel 19, and even cooler that you adopted a quail in need. Hurrah for good hearts. :)
Thanks for the Love.
You two are always welcome here.
Stu Nizny
I must visit Pixel 19. Glad to know he didn't go "Silence of the Lamb" on you!
Lol Anne Your silly I'm a professional.
I am also a costumer for feature film and MTV.
Do you think The Mayor would shop here if I was like that?
You are welcome anytime.
Stu--if you promise not to wear my skin, I will totally come to your home to shop. ;) Maybe I speak such harshness out of jealousy-I mean the quail woman is my friend. I guess I am just upset I wasn't invited to indulge in such awesomeness.
Love that shirt! I haven't seen anything like it before! :)
Coco and Gertrude are adorable - and very lucky you have adopted them! :)
I am still loving this blog!! So good to find other bloggers from KY on here.
Mica and Mr. Optimistic, thank you so much! Tiny birds are the best accessory!
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