Posing? What do you mean? I'm just standing by the fridge. Being casual.

Shadow market
Oh, you want something from the fridge? I will look at you pensively while you ask.

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows.
No, I always stand this way. Stretches the ankles.

Shadow compare thee to a summer's day?
Gosh, I'm exhausted after all this doing of totally normal things.
top - Rag-O-Rama
skirt - Free People
tights - I dunno.
shoes - Steve Madden, I'm going to guess.
Nice shoes. And look! You worked in a Shadow reference. Awesome.
"The feet of crime wear bitter boots."
Hah! I love that... Bitter Boots: Possible reoccurring post?
Yes, reoccurring post. Or the name of a disgruntled folk-rock band that only knows three guitar chords, all of them minor.
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