This little house? It's just my maxi pad.
I picked up this awesome number at the Drama Workshop's vintage sale last month, thanks to Kasmira and her awesome hot tip. I also got to see Kasmira. She is even more awesome/adorable/foxy IRL.

These boots were made for rockin'.
Since I was in Northside anyway, my posse and I then toddled over to the Factory Flea and scored these fantastic boots.

Wake up, googley face.

I love this '70s print! I love it. And though I normally have an nonnegotiable ban on all things polyester, this gown is so soft, I will allow it. Plus, it fits like a dream.

Step it up.

headband - Forever 21
cardigan - It's really old. I have no idea from whence it came.
dress - vintage
ring - Free People
boots - vintage Dingo
I totally did NOT see that dress! It looks great on you.
I really dig that ring, too.
that dress grew from you it's so you
Thanks, Kasmira! Minus the part where the ring tuns my finger green, I really love it!
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