ComFest was the last weekend in June and, if you're not familiar with Columbus, it's an all-out three day hippie happening, repleat with beers, bands, bare boobies and more tie-dye vendors than you can shake a dreadlock at.

This little dress was pretty perfect for the day. It's not very practical under any other circumstances.

It even scored a compliment from a fellow fest-er!

ComFest story: I bought a lovely pair of earrings from one of the vendors and then, a half hour later, realized I'd dropped a $20 bill at her stall. I trudged back, all saddness, only to discover that the earring-maker had found my money, saved it for me, and handed it over when she saw me again. I told her I fell in love with her. She just laughed.

It takes a lot of work to maintain this ghostly pallor so I brought a parasol my boyfriend lovingly plucked from a yardsale for me. It got a million compliments - If an umbrella trend springs up next year, you'll know who to blame.

dress - Free People
bralette - Anthropologie
sunglasses - Target
shorts - thift
flats - Old Navy
See what I wore to ComFest last year...

All three cats loafed around my "walk-in closet" while I got dressed.

It's their favorite room in the house.
Wow, that sounds like the most amazing festival ever!
Love the dress, it looks super cute!
Rosie - It is a fantastic time! And thanks for the kind comment!
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