Wednesday, May 26, 2010

New Shoes, New You


More orange. For a color that doesn't look too great on me, I tend to wear it a lot.

Totally candid. Har har.


It's always nice to work with a good audience...

dress - thrift
jacket - thrift
shoes - Target
headband - I couldn't say.


A Sunday of Firsts


These shoes are so nasty ugly that I can hardly look at them. The overall hideousness of functionable sneakers has been a major contributor to my sloth - If you can't bring yourself to don fugly gym shoes, then you can't very well go to the gym.

But while at TJ Maxx, I happened upon these and it got me thinking about how nice it might be to go for a walk without limping home like a polio contractee in a triathalon. In a moment of sartorial blindness, I bought them. What the hell. They were on sale and have touches of my favorite green, though that really does nothing to ameliorate their more unattractive aspects.

And then, Sunday morning I woke up and thought, "I bet I could go for a run." Just like that. I hate running even more than I despise homely footwear but I just got out of bed and did it. And, for the record, I can't go for a run. I run/walk a couple miles but that's as far as it goes.

And not to truly terrify you but I kind of liked it.

So once I was home and showered and gazing at my dripping 'do in the bathroom mirror, I wondered what it would be like to blow dry my hair. I'd never done myself and in past, I'd always hated it when various hair stylists did it to me.

But I was there, the blow dryer was there, and my wet hair was all there so I gave it a shot. I actually had to google drying directions.

This was the result. I don't like it because it's super crunchy but my boyfriend is a big fan.

To round out the day, I went to my first ever laughing yoga class. It is extremely - and I can't emphasize this enough - exceptionally, exponentially weird to be lying on the floor in a circle with a dozen or so strangers who are forcing themselves to laugh hysterically. But if you turn off those little alarms in your brain - the ones that are screaming, "OMG you are in the company of lunatics!" - and give it a go, it can actually be kind of fun.

I felt better afterwards, anyway.

Hurray for adventure.

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jesse.anne.o said...

**exceptionally, exponentially weird to be lying on the floor in a circle with a dozen or so strangers who are forcing themselves to laugh hysterically. But if you turn off those little alarms in your brain - the ones that are screaming, "OMG you are in the company of lunatics!"**

Holy moly. I have never done this.

But next week I'm going to a lucid dream sleepover out of curiosity.

WickedThrifty said...

haha (no pun intended), i hadn't heard of laughing yoga! sounds fun. i think you look just fine in orange, by the way :D
cute kitties, too.

Lesa said...

Shoes re beautiful and I so love the kitty pic.

Becky Haltermon Robinson said...

jesse - Good luck!

Wicked - It was a fun thing to try, for sure. Thank I appreciate your kind comments!

Lesa - Many thanks!

Alaskangal B said...

If you like to try blow drying your curls, use a diffuser and mousee instead of gel and no hairspray while drying. That should help with the crunchy. Just from one curly-q to another.=) Oh and I think that orange print dress looks lovely.

Becky Haltermon Robinson said...

Hurricane - Thanks for the tip! I need all the beauty advice I can get... I'm not very proficient when it comes to styling.