My local TJ Maxx had some new Free People stuff... Sigh. It's my achilles heel.

Pigtails inspired by Paige!

sweater - Free People
top - Free People
belt - thrift
jeans - Old Navy
boots - thrift

I'm getting braver and braver... Sneaking around the office after hours hunting out interesting photographs.

scarf - Free People
body suit - thrift
skirt - Kohl's
tights - Hue (control top ... UGH)
boots - thrift
I know what you mean about control top hose. Who's going to back you up on your eating habits if your own tights wont'?!
I can see why Free People is your achilles heal! It looks great on you!
cool mustard tights! love your hair down (or partway down, as it were)
Love that Free People sweater!
I love that skirt so much! Ha thanks for the plug! You look way cute as always! Is there a free people in the area? If so I was shamefully unaware!
Midwest Darling
Suz - RIGHT. I complained to my boss and she said she suffers from a similar squish. She recommended cutting holes in the sides of the top of your tights. I haven't tried it, though ...
Rosie - Don't feed my obsession! hahah...
Ms. Thrifty - Many thanks! I got my hair cut recently and I've been wearing it down much more often.
Clare - Me, too! They only had it in an XS... That's why it's not buttoned all the way. But I like the way it looks, regardless.
Paige - Thanks, lady! I'm being totally serious - I was opposed to pigtails before I saw you rock them so adorably. The nearest Free People store is in Chicago (I'm actually kind of embarassed that I know that) but I normally get my Free fix at the TJ Maxx downtown or the one in Florence. I had to cut myself off from their website... Too dangerous!
I really like that last shot of you, with the sun making it kinda blurry. Oh and that is just frickin awesome that you wanted to do the striptease. I say get on it.=)
Ms. B - Hah, thanks, perhaps I will!
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