I went to the movies with my beau who convinced me to see 9. I told him that if the flick was not up to my standards, he would have to make out with me, high school style, in the theater. Unfortunately, it's actually a pretty good movie.

jacket - thrift, vintage
pin - 'twas a gift
dress - thrift, vintage wedding dress altered
jeans - Urban Outfitters
shoes - Old Navy

I visited my great grandma on Saturday. She's 95 and still tuff as hell... No glasses, no need for false teeth, no walker or cane, and a sharp, witty sense of humor. I so hope I grow up to be her.

In a fit of fairytale-inspired insanity, I offered to take Mico to see grandma in a basket. She was not impressed with the idea.

jacket - vintage
dress - I can't remember the brand. I got it at TJ Maxx.
bracelet - thrift, vintage
sandals - Old Navy

After returning from gramma's, I attended an OSU football game party. I will never understand the ardor for college football. It's cool, though, because while most people were glued to the TV, I drank lots of beer and ate a banana split. Yum.

jacket - thrift, vintage
necklace - an antique mall in Mt. Vernon, OH
dress - Free People
halter under dress - The Gap
jeans - Urban Outfitters
shoes - Old Navy

This is what I packed for my work week in Kentucky.

I was feeling a somewhat bright and colorful.
Cute outfits!
I agree with Rosie. Cute outfits!
The pictures are a wee bit on the dark side, though...
Thank you for fighting the frump in the midwest. It is much appreciated.
Thanks, all!
I'll keep an eye on the murkiness of my photos ... Thanks for the tip, Frederik.
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