Columbus yard sales are very different from the ones in Kentucky on which I was born and bread. The clothes are newer, tend to run smaller, and I can say without fear of contradiction that I know I would never find a Built By Wendy dress for $4 laying on a lawn in Union, KY.

Oh, yard. I love you so.

I've nearly worn holes in these babies...
dress - yard sale
red skirt underneath - thrift/vintage
shoes - Old Navy
sunglasses - thrift
Because of the kind, curious comments from readers like you, I have a decor picture or two to share. More coming soon!

The minute you get a new rug, the cats busily begin covering them in fur.
You are so lucky to find that dress! So awesome! The rugs are pretty cool too, thanks for sharing!
no idea who the brand is (i don't pay attention to these things) but that's a great deal and it looks adorable on you!
I love the red buttons on that dress. You look so cute.
Thanks, ladies! It's hard to believe that the dress turned out so well!
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