This is the fireplace of the Guess Room. It's kind of like a guest room except it's filled with all my clothes, crafts, and sewing gear and has no extra bed. The mannequin torso was a gift from a friend who used to work at the Gap.

This was a hand-me-down table that I spray-painted silver during my silver phase many years ago.

the top of my donated armoire

This is the bedroom fireplace. The skull on the mantle is named Hank A. Taff and used to decorate the dashboard of my car.

I made this lamp out of another Gap torso given me by a friend. It was the easiest project ever.
Cute! I love the mannequin in the fireplace, fun idea =)
Can I live with you? You house looks awesome!
I'm thinking you should post a tutorial on how to make a mannequin lamp. ASAP!! The place looks awesome!
Rad lamp!
i really love the mantelscape and the silver table too! more please ;D
Thank you thank you, guys! I felt a little silly putting pictures of my place up but your comments make me so happy.
It's awesome to find ladies who appreciate a good mannequin torso!
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