It's pretty badass. I'll understand if you're too intimidated to read my blog anymore.

This skirt garnered several compliments when I took a day trip to Yellow Springs on Saturday but it almost wasn't worth the high-waisted discomfort.

I'm growing tomatoes in a Shell oil bucket ... That's what we environmentalists call reuse.

head band - It was a gift from the wonderful Mel.
top - Forever 21
skirt - Rag-O-Rama in Columbus
anklet - Pangea in Yellow Springs
shoes - Old Navy

While crazy comfortable, I wouldn't recommend this ensemble for a day of ambling about town. I just felt too exposed.

Sweet mosquito bite on the chest there, Becks.
earrings - Pangea in Clifton
bra-let - Anthropologie
under tank dress - Pangea in Clifton
over tank dress - Free People
shoes - Old Navy

When Forever 21 didn't have the dress I wanted in my size (really? no mediums?), I bought this one instead. I think it's a fine runner-up.

shirt - another gift from Mel!
dress - Forever 21
shoes - Old Navy

While in Yellow Springs, I stopped at a yard sale and got this dress for $1. Hurray!

head band - Mel is the best gift-giver ever!
dress - yard sale vintage
shoes - Jessica Simpson, of all things
That's funny. I love the way high wasted things feel...
And while I'll continue reading this blog, my impressed meter might slide down. ;)
Don't beat me up!
I too have found myself oddly attracted to Jessica Simpson shoes. At first it felt so unnatural, so wrong, but I've grown more comfortable with it all and even purchased a pair. Alas, they were too big but the smaller size was nowhere to be found. Maybe next time.
I like the runner up dress quite a bit!
Erin - Gah, a low reading on the impressedometer?! A sad day, indeed. Maybe my gut is just too unruly for a high waist.
Jess - Yeah, I was disturbed at how many of the shoes I liked at TJ Maxx were from JS's collection. A similar taste in footwear might be all that we have in common with Ms. Jessica!
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